V2️⃣ is live 💜

It's been several months now since we started to take out the V2️⃣.

We were forced to make two major changes to the site:

🐢 The site was getting slower and slower

Indeed, with the accumulation of data and the initial design of VAINKEURZ, it became quite tedious to do TopList. What's more, some functions were not optimized to handle so much data, which led to bugs such as the calculation of creators' KEURZ.

🔥 Taking inspiration from the Flammesawwards site We took on the challenge of developing the Flammesawwards site in the spring. It was our code but above all the algo from VAINKEURZ to allow the jury to vote for their favorite artists. The site recorded over 10 million votes in 10 days. To keep up with this load, we developed an API and used best practices that we hadn't used for Given that it went so well for LesFlammes, we wanted to reuse it for the new version of VAINKEURZ.

We have therefore developed this new version around 3 axes:

🤖 Technically, the fact that we've developed an API and redesigned our storage system should guarantee a fluid, bug-free site for the next few months (the bug hunt is on 🥶).

💜 Graphically, we wanted to change the navigation to simplify it on the one hand, but also to evolve the site's graphic charter while keeping its purple DNA.

🤩 Functionally (I don't know if that's the right word) but all that to say that beyond the technical and design aspects, there are also new features like the ability to create Tops without being a creator, the Rooms, the Commu space, the new Home...

We'll be launching this new version in installments. So features like notifications will be back soon, along with other new developments 🚀

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