From Silicon Valley to Starbucks, they're known as early adopters. Basically, they're the first users, and this article will introduce them and put them in the spotlight.
A priori the very first to have made TopList live on TWICH and DBZ to boot so big big big Up to you 🙏
Top exclusively KPOP and it was great to see a new streamer using VKRZ with his commu.
The record for the longestTopList with 1143 votes was achieved by Sunny live on Twitch and I was there to see it 🤯
First video VAINKEURZ on Youtube. Well, as far as I can remember, it was really something 🥰
You may not know it, but before this video the term TopList didn't exist. So a huge thank you to EBPG for using the word TopList for the first time 🙌
ChoopChoop who discovers and presents VAINKEURZ before making his TopList then gives the idea to Célétik who then gives the idea to Papy Cahouète.
It's beautiful 😻
If you don't know it, it's an adventure and romance game set in a mythological universe!
We've set up a Top sponso to rank the game's favorite characters and try to win a collector's box set. All this to coincide with Paris Manga 2021. Well, beyond the Top's success, it's above all a great encounter between our ekip and the OB team 💚💜.
We proposed a contest on Insta to win 3 nice prizes 🎁 in collaboration with Otaku and ba it was great.
Firstly because the competition went so well, but above all because we were able to discover a passionate, caring person with whom I hope we can do things again 🤗
A box to receive new manga and anime nuggets every month without breaking the bank! Figurines, manga, posters and more, all in one box.
We set up a Top sponso to make gain a Box with a selected winner and 5% automatically with all the others.
The Top was promoted by Laconiku so you can discover the account TikTok dedicated to the manga here
And of course a big thank you to the winners on the site, on the discord, on our networks. All those who invest themselves by becoming creators, by participating on the Discord, by talking about our concept around you - you give us so much motivation to make VAINKEURZ break through that it deserves a dedicated article. An article I'll be writing very soon - Promi swear 💦