Le contender Sangohan est présent dans 8 TopList actives.
Les catĂ©gories oĂč l'on retrouve Sangohan sont :
Voici la liste des TopList oĂč l'on peut voter pour Sangohan :
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
A little love in this world of brutes.
An opportunity for some (including me) to remember that Tenshinhan once had a lover.
I reread all the Tomes so as not to forget anything, but if I did, you have the comments to testify to my incompetence!
I reread all the Tomes so as not to forget anything, but if I did, you have the comments to testify to my incompetence!
Edition Pastel, the heart edition đ
We're moving away from fighting to argue about taste and color. A chance for some characters to finally win a duel.
We're moving away from fighting to argue about taste and color. A chance for some characters to finally win a duel.
Here, you use your brains to the full to assume your final ranking and, incidentally, avoid a tackle from the Oracle.
Beyond power and style, we're talking here about affect and feelings. So it's with your heart that you'll have to choose your favorite character.