Petitrenaud's escapades

The Les escapades de Petitrenaud contender can be found at 1 TopList .

The categories in which Les escapades de Petitrenaud can be found are :

Here is the list of TopList where you can vote for Les escapades de Petitrenaud:
Culinary shows

Overall statistics for Les escapades de Petitrenaud

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

List of all TopList with the contender : Petitrenaud's escapades

TOPLIST 10 - Cooking shows What is your favorite cooking show of the moment? 🥘

You watch a guy cooking a tournedos of chestnut-crusted cod, parsnip confit and autumn vegetables, with a winegrower's sauce.
Then you get hungry.
Then you go to cook some pasta.



