Lee Sin Acolyte

Le contender Lee Sin Acolyte est présent dans 1 TopList actives.

Les catégories où l'on retrouve Lee Sin Acolyte sont :
Jeux vidéo

Voici la liste des TopList où l'on peut voter pour Lee Sin Acolyte :
League of Legends : Lee Sin

Statistiques globales de Lee Sin Acolyte

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

Liste de toutes TopList avec le contender : Lee Sin Acolyte

TOPLIST 17 - League of Legends: Lee Sin What's your favorite Lee Sin skin? 👊

Master of the ancient martial arts of Ionia, Lee Sin is a fighter dedicated to noble principles who channels the dragon spirit to face any challenge. Although he lost his sight many years ago, the warrior-monk has dedicated his life to protecting his homeland from all those who would destabilize its spiritual balance. Enemies who underestimate his meditative appearance will have little time to regret it, in the face of his fiery fists and flamboyant kicks.



