Koh Lanta

Le contender Koh Lanta est présent dans 2 TopList actives.

Les catégories où l'on retrouve Koh Lanta sont :
Écran Food

Voici la liste des TopList où l'on peut voter pour Koh Lanta :
Koh-Lanta Têtes brulées

Statistiques globales de Koh Lanta

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

Liste de toutes TopList avec le contender : Koh Lanta

TOPLIST 25 - Koh-Lanta Which of the winners is your favourite?

List of winners from the first edition to 2023, excluding special editions 🏆






TOPLIST 23 - Burnt heads Which one do you prefer? 🍬🥵

Their story began when Henry and Georges Verquin founded a bakery in the Nord Pas de Calais region of France. They soon felt the urge to move into confectionery, and took the plunge in 1925.

It wasn't until 1952, however, that their company devoted itself entirely to the manufacture of French sweets.

It was at this time that Georges Verquin created the Pastille du Mineur, which was an immediate success in France and paved the way for other creations: the Têtes Brûlées, which were to appear a few years later.

For several years now, the French brand has been reinventing itself, and young people are crazy about it.



