Le contender Jayce est présent dans 19 TopList actives.
Les catĂ©gories oĂč l'on retrouve Jayce sont :
Jeux vidéo
Voici la liste des TopList oĂč l'on peut voter pour Jayce :
League of Legends : Arcane
Animé des années 80
League of Legends
Teamfight Tactics
In the Arcane animated series, based on the League of Legends universe, all the characters have a moral complexity that makes us viewers feel a variety of emotions.
Between betrayals, manipulations and unforgivable acts, certain characters have earned our hatred.
Arcane is packed with incredible scenes, but if you had to pick one, which would you consider the best?
Arcane is packed with incredible scenes, but if you had to pick one, which would you consider the best?
Arcane is packed with incredible scenes, but if you had to pick one, which would you consider the best?
Tell us your favorite Arcane character!
What's your favorite 80s anime?
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
Hammer or cannon? âš
A Top even longer than a Top-Lane game!
If you want the whole Roster, you'll have to stuff the POs! đ€
Tell us your favorite Arcane character!