Hachimitsu Yui

The contender Hachimitsu Yui is present in 1 TopList active.

Hachimitsu Yui' s categories are :

Here is the list of TopList where you can vote for Hachimitsu Yui:
Kawaii Dake Janai Shikimori-san

Hachimitsu Yui's global statistics

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

List of all TopList with contender: Hachimitsu Yui

TOPLIST 9 - Kawaii Dake Janai Shikimori-san Who is your favorite Kawaii dake janai Shikimori-san character?

I present to you a TopList to reveal your favorite character from Kawaii dake janai Shikimori-san (Shikimori isn't just cute).



