The Freeze Corleone contender is present in 11 active TopList .
Freeze Corleone can be found in the following categories:
Here is the list of TopList where you can vote for Freeze Corleone:
Alpha Wann
Rap FR
Rap fr
Top 21 Drill FR 🎤
Luv Resval
French Rap
French Rap Drill
It's time to decide who is the greatest French rapper of all time!
So who's the best in the business?
A talented young rapper gone too soon...
(The selected sounds are the 10 most popular Luv Resval sounds on Spotify)
Artist Redwan brings us the female versions of your favorite rappers 🧔♀️
To follow Redwan on Twitter @Redwan_667 and Insta : @redwa_n45
Menace Santa >> All Drilleur!