The ELISE ROSE FANÉE contender can be found at 1 TopList .

The categories in which ELISE ROSE FANÉE can be found are :
Video Games

Here is the list of TopList where you can vote for ELISE ROSE FANÉE:
League of Legends

ELISE ROSE FANÉE global statistics

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

List of all TopList with the contender: ELISE ROSE FANÉE

TOPLIST 9 - League of Legends What's your favorite Elise skin?

Elise is a deadly predator who lives in a secluded, dark palace deep in the oldest city of Noxus. She was once the mistress of an all-powerful noble House, until the bite of an evil spider god transformed her into a being as magnificent as she is inhuman: a spider-like creature who spins her web to trap her prey. Elise now preys on the innocent, and few can resist her seduction.



