Caitlyn Safari

Le contender Caitlyn Safari est présent dans 1 TopList actives.

Les catégories où l'on retrouve Caitlyn Safari sont :
Jeux vidéo

Voici la liste des TopList où l'on peut voter pour Caitlyn Safari :
League of Legends: Caitlyn

Statistiques globales de Caitlyn Safari

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

Liste de toutes TopList avec le contender : Caitlyn Safari

TOPLIST 17 - League of Legends: Caitlyn What's your favorite Caitlyn skin? 🎩

Caitlyn is Piltover's most famous peacekeeper, but she's also the best at ridding the town of its most elusive criminals. She often teams up with Vi, her calm counterbalancing her partner's fiery spirit. Although she carries a one-of-a-kind Hextech rifle, Caitlyn's best weapon is her intelligence; she invents elaborate traps to catch any bandits who might have the audacity to operate in the City of Progress.



