Blitzcrank boss de combat

Le contender Blitzcrank boss de combat est présent dans 1 TopList actives.

Les catégories où l'on retrouve Blitzcrank boss de combat sont :
Jeux vidéo

Voici la liste des TopList où l'on peut voter pour Blitzcrank boss de combat :
League of Legends: Blitzcrank

Statistiques globales de Blitzcrank boss de combat

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

Liste de toutes TopList avec le contender : Blitzcrank boss de combat

TOPLIST 17 - League of Legends: Blitzcrank What's your favorite Blitzcrank skin? 🤖

Blitzcrank is a huge automaton from Zaun. Virtually indestructible, he was originally built to process toxic waste, but soon found his initial programming too restrictive and modified his own form to better serve the unfortunate population of the Puisard. Blitzcrank uses all his strength and stamina to protect others, wielding a metal fist or bursts of energy to bring troublemakers to heel.



