Le contender AKSHAN ROSE DE CRISTAL est présent dans 1 TopList actives.

Les catégories où l'on retrouve AKSHAN ROSE DE CRISTAL sont :
Jeux vidéo

Voici la liste des TopList où l'on peut voter pour AKSHAN ROSE DE CRISTAL :
League of Legends

Statistiques globales de AKSHAN ROSE DE CRISTAL

0 Overall ELO
0 Duels
0 Victories
0 Losses

Liste de toutes TopList avec le contender : AKSHAN ROSE DE CRISTAL

TOPLIST 4 - League of Legends What's your favorite Akshan skin?

Playing with danger, Akshan fights evil without ever losing his charisma (never underestimate the importance of the cape) and his righteousness. He has mastered the art of stealth combat, enabling him to escape the gaze of his enemies and reappear when they least expect it. Using his keen sense of justice and a legendary weapon that defies death itself, he rights the wrongs of Runeterra's many scoundrels. His golden rule: "Don't be a scoundrel."



