The rates shown are an estimate based on €15/hour. Of course, we'll need to discuss the details with you!
We'd like to offer more content related to our TopList concept on TikTok, but we've never found the right person or people to take this network in hand. So maybe it'll be you if you've got a Top concept to propose and shoot. We can help with the editing and the material 🤗
1 TikTok
Between €50 and €150
We'd like to entrust you with Live Twitch replays, and count on you to edit them into one or more Youtube videos and shorts. You can see some examples of what we're looking for on our Youtube channel.
1 video
Between €100 and €200
By becoming an official VAINKEURZ creator, you unlock the monetization of your Tops. Every time someone completes a TopList from your Tops or simply votes, you earn KEURZ 💎 which you can exchange for gift cards, for example.
2 Tops per month
Variable and in KEURZ
Each Top published by a creator must be proofread and validated. This ensures the quality of VAINKEURZ Tops. A good Top must have beautiful visuals, all in the same graphic charter and at the same size. Finally, a Top must be complete. And error-free. To ensure this, you need The ValidatorMan!
If you're a streamer, we offer you the chance to make live TopList on our channel. We prepare dedicated Tops, provide prizes and publicize the event. Afterwards, we'll edit Youtube videos + shorts that you can share with your networks.
1 x 2h live
From €50
We'd love it if someone could make our X account more active by doing community management: tweet, retweet, reply, like in short exist on this rezo 🤠
Minimum 30 minutes per day
From €210 per month
Our discord is getting old 😴 We'd like one or more people to take charge of animating it with regular games and challenges, TopList judging, our announcements, debates, and all kinds of other ideas 😝
3 hours a week
From €180 per month
We have several Story concepts and there are still plenty to find. We'd like to outsource story publishing.
3 stories a week
From €100 per month